Friday, May 8, 2009

"Movie Quiz"

Freaking Boring! So do some "Movie Quiz". haha:D

1)Which Cineplex you prefer to watch?

The Cathay. cos cheap:D

2)What is the recently movie you watched?

X-Men Origins: Wolverine...

3)What kind of Genre you prefer?

Horror. haha:D

4)When the movie going to start, what is the first thing you will do?

Go toilet first. incase want pee during the movie=x LOL

5)When you inside the cinema, what is the first thing you will do?

Turn on my hp to slient mode...

6)How many movies you watch in 1 month?

4 ba. 1week 1 movie...

7)How many friends going to watch movie with you?

around 6 to 7 ba...

8)What you post this as?

Movie Quiz ba..

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